On May 18-20th Stavatti CEO Chris Beskar toured Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, New Mexico with the AIAA Technical Committee on Management (TCM). The meeting was hosted by Sandia National Laboratories as arranged by Stephen Rottler, Vice President for Weapons Engineering & Product Realization and Chief Engineer For Nuclear Weapons. On Monday the 18th the TCM met for dinner at Sandiago’s Mexican Grill located at the base of the Sandia Peak Tramway. On Tuesday the 19th the TCM held a full day work-session, meeting at Sandia’s Innova- tion Parking Office Center (IPOC)-Thunderbird Conference Room from 8:15 until 5:00 PM. Principal pre- sentations of the day included an overview briefing of Sandia National Laboratories by Steve Rottler. The briefing discussed Sandia‘s history and capabilities and lasted from 8:30 until 11:00 AM. Immediately fol- lowing lunch, the TCM held a held a focused topic discussion on Very Light Jets (VLJs) from 12:45 until 4:45. The VLJ discussion included a presentation by Edward Langoria, the Managing Director of Global Aviation, William G. Shira, Vice President of Marketing for Gulfstream Aerospace and Wilson Felder, Special Assistant to the Director of the FAA.
During the presentation a lessons-learned review of Eclipse Avia- tion, based in Albuquerque was conducted. Mr. Beskar was a lively participant in the discussion of Eclipse Aviation. Upon conclusion of the focused topic discussion, an introduction to the next meeting’s topic, Ethics In Engineering, was held. Following the meeting, TCM membership was transported to the Savoy Bar and Grill for dinner, which lasted until 8:30. During dinner Mr. Beskar discussed Stavatti industry teaming opportunities with Don Burch, Chief Program Manager for Spirit Aerosystems. On Wednesday the 20th the TCM met again at Sandia‘s IPOC and from 8:00 until 12:00 TCM business was addressed. As Awards Subcommittee Chairman for the TCM, Mr. Beskar provided a briefing regard- ing the 2009 Hap Arnold and Von Braun Awards for Excellence in Program Management. From 12:00 until 3:00 the TCM toured Sandia facilities including the Center for National Security and Arms Control (CNSAC) and the Z-Accelerator Facility. Due to travel arrangements Mr. Beskar left the meeting at 3:15, missing a tour of the Microelectronics and Systems Applications (MESA) facility. Mr. Beskar returned to Minnesota on the evening of the 20th.
A truly enjoyable meeting, Mr. Beskar had the opportunity to not only tour Sandia National Labs, but also have a first-hand look at Eclipse Aviation and their business model.A Senior Member of AIAA, Mr. Beskar has served on the TCM since 1999 as an active member. Mr. Beskar is currently the Chair of the TCM’s Awards Subcommittee.