On November 18th Stavatti Aerospace entered into a formal business relationship with CMC Electronics...
On November 18th Stavatti Aerospace entered into a formal business relationship with CMC Electronics Aurora, Inc. of Sugar Grove, IL. CMC Electronics designs and produces leading technology electronics products for the aviation and global position markets. The manufacturer of the Sparrow Hawk and Night Hawk Head Up Display (HUD) systems, CMC Electronics is a primary supplier of primary and secondary display systems for military fast jets and turboprop trainers. Stavatti Aerospace has selected of the Night Hawk HUD as one of three primary Visual Flight Reference instruments that customers will be able to choose for the Machete family of next generation COIN/CAS/ADF aircraft.
Stavatti is also exploring the selection of the CMC Cockpit 4000 as a standard integrated cockpit display suite for the Machete family. Stavatti and CMC have begun a formal exchange of engineering data to begin the integration of CMC display systems into the Machete design. Stavatti Aerospace President Jeffrey E. Lay is serving as the primary Point Of Contact for CMC Electronics Industry Team Integration with Stavatti‘s Buffalo, NY office serving as the primary point of liaison.