
Shiva Prakash

Co-Chairman and President for Investment and Sales

Shiva Prakash is Stavatti’s Co-Chairman and President for Investment and Sales. Mr. Prakash is an accomplished Chief Executive with more than 20 years of success across the technology, green tech, energy, infrastructure, hospitality, and management consulting industries. Leveraging extensive experience introducing strategies to drive growth and deliver strong revenues in highly competitive markets, he is a valuable asset for companies working on investment strategy, market expansion, turnaround, or general business challenges. His broad areas of expertise include business solutions, new product launch, deal structuring, Big Data, market expansion, operations, raising capital, international business, training and mentoring. Involved in international funding of major projects and holds access to multiple funds across various countries.

Throughout his executive career, Mr. Prakash has held top leadership positions at companies including VFG Inc, US Global, Gravity Power Inc. Nature Tek, USFG Inc, Tivus Inc., Mercaris Inc., IBM, and Price Waterhouse Management Consultants. As Founder of Nature Tek, he is building an innovative team that is developing a new branch of technology with DNA computing and data storage solutions that uses DNA, biochemistry, and molecular biology hardware as opposed to traditional silicon-based technologies. Also as a founder of Gravity Power Inc, developed perpetual motion, gravity powered electricity generator.

This follows three years as President of USFG from 2012 to 2015, where he competed against commodity traders and suppliers to provide fertilizers to major consumers. Building a 1 MMT per year fertilizer plant in colaboration with RBC and IFFCO.

As President & CEO of Tivus, he led the technology entertainment services company in providing internet and content on demand solutions to hotels worldwide.

He earlier worked as a SAP Project Manager with IBM and Price Waterhouse. He has been responsible for developing major infrastructure projects, founding and leading successful wireless technology startups, putting together strategic global partnerships, and for raising millions of dollars for multiple projects.

Mr. Prakash holds a Bachelor of Engineering and an MBA from Mysore University India. He also completed the Executive Course in Strategic IQ at Harvard University. He holds multiple board positions that remain confidential.